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Japanese Kami (pf2e Pantheon)

Conversion for my own Seasons of Ghost which I am setting in my equivalent of fantasy Korea. These kami belong to the Tian Gods pantheon.

Japanese Kami in Pathfinder 2e

Amaterasu Omikami (Lawful Good)

  • Areas of Concern: Sun, creation, unarmed combat
  • Worshipers’ Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Divine Font: Heal
  • Divine Ability: Strength or Wisdom
  • Divine Skill: Athletics
  • Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike
  • Symbol: Octagonal mirror
  • Domains: Sun, Creation, Protection, Perfection
  • Alternate Domains: Light, Fire
  • Edicts: Bring light and warmth to those in darkness, protect others, pursue perfection in body and mind
  • Anathema: Cause harm without purpose, destroy life or beauty
  • Plane: Prime Material Plane

Divine Intercession

Minor Boon: Once per day, your body radiates sunlight for 1 hour, shedding bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. This light also counts as sunlight for the purpose of harming undead.
Moderate Boon: You gain a permanent +2 status bonus to all saving throws against effects that cause blindness or darkness. Additionally, you always know the exact time of day.
Major Boon: Amaterasu blesses you with a permanent aura of sunlight. You emit bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for another 30 feet. This light is sunlight, which is harmful to undead and other creatures vulnerable to sunlight.

Minor Curse: Sunlight harms you as it would an undead creature, giving you the dazzled condition when exposed to daylight.
Moderate Curse: You can no longer see in darkness or dim light. Any light sources you hold emit only half the normal range of light.
Major Curse: You are constantly surrounded by an aura of shadow, causing light sources within 30 feet of you to dim and grow ineffective. In addition, sunlight burns your skin, dealing 2d6 fire damage per round while you are in direct sunlight.

Note: Amaterasu is also known as Shizuru in other parts of the East, worshiped as the Empress of Heaven in Tian Xia.

Ama-Tsu-Mara (Neutral)

  • Areas of Concern: Blacksmithing, weapons, creation of magical items
  • Worshipers’ Alignment: Any
  • Divine Font: Harm or Heal
  • Divine Ability: Strength or Intelligence
  • Divine Skill: Crafting
  • Favored Weapon: Double-headed axe
  • Symbol: Double-edged axe
  • Domains: Creation, Earth, Magic, Artifice
  • Alternate Domains: Craft, Earth
  • Edicts: Create magical weapons and items, honor craftsmanship, work with metal
  • Anathema: Destroy tools or crafted objects, devalue the work of artisans
  • Plane: Prime Material Plane

Divine Intercession

Minor Boon: You gain a +1 status bonus on all Crafting checks when working with metals or creating weapons.
Moderate Boon: Once per day, you can summon a magical weapon of your choice for 1 minute. This weapon counts as a +1 striking weapon of any type.
Major Boon: Ama-Tsu-Mara grants you the power to forge incredible weapons. Any weapon you craft becomes automatically enchanted as a +2 striking weapon, and you can craft magic items as if you had the appropriate Crafting feats.

Minor Curse: Your hands become weak and unsteady when holding metal, causing a -1 penalty to all attacks made with metal weapons.
Moderate Curse: Any weapon you attempt to craft shatters upon its first use, making it useless.
Major Curse: You can no longer create or wield weapons effectively. All Crafting checks for weapons automatically fail, and any weapon you wield disintegrates into dust after one use.

Daikoku (Lawful Good)

  • Areas of Concern: Wealth, luck, agriculture
  • Worshipers’ Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good
  • Divine Font: Heal
  • Divine Ability: Constitution or Charisma
  • Divine Skill: Nature
  • Favored Weapon: Wooden mallet
  • Symbol: Three coins
  • Domains: Wealth, Luck, Nature, Travel
  • Alternate Domains: Plants, Earth
  • Edicts: Share wealth with others, cultivate the land, foster prosperity through hard work
  • Anathema: Hoard wealth selfishly, waste food or resources
  • Plane: Prime Material Plane

Divine Intercession

Minor Boon: You gain a +1 bonus to earning income through Crafting, Farming, or Commerce-related activities.
Moderate Boon: Once per week, you can call upon Daikoku’s luck to double the profit from one business deal, craft, or harvest. Additionally, you always succeed at earning income.
Major Boon: Wealth and abundance follow you wherever you go. Once per month, you can call upon Daikoku to produce a great boon of wealth, tripling the results of a successful crafting, earning income, or harvest check.

Minor Curse: Your luck with wealth diminishes. Any time you gain coin, it is reduced by 10%.
Moderate Curse: You become cursed with poverty. No matter how much wealth you gain, it mysteriously disappears within 24 hours.
Major Curse: Daikoku removes all your wealth and fortune, and any attempt to gain wealth is cursed. All crafting, farming, or commerce-related checks automatically fail, leaving you penniless.

Ebisu (Lawful Good)

  • Areas of Concern: Luck through hard work, fishing, harvest
  • Worshipers’ Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good
  • Divine Font: Heal
  • Divine Ability: Dexterity or Wisdom
  • Divine Skill: Survival
  • Favored Weapon: Staff
  • Symbol: Fishing rod or cane staff
  • Domains: Luck, Family, Nature, Perfection
  • Alternate Domains: Travel, Earth
  • Edicts: Work hard for your rewards, fish and farm sustainably, aid those in need
  • Anathema: Cheat or take shortcuts, squander opportunities
  • Plane: Prime Material Plane, Seven Heavens

Divine Intercession

Minor Boon: You gain a +1 status bonus on checks to gather food or fish. Additionally, any fish you catch are unusually large and nutritious.
Moderate Boon: Once per week, you can invoke Ebisu’s blessing to automatically succeed on a Survival check to provide food or resources for up to 10 people.
Major Boon: You are blessed with unerring luck in fishing and gathering. Any time you attempt to gather food, you automatically succeed, and the resources are of exceptional quality.

Minor Curse: You find it difficult to gather or hunt for food, suffering a -1 penalty to Survival checks related to foraging or fishing.
Moderate Curse: All attempts to fish or gather food fail, leaving you and those who rely on you with little to no sustenance.
Major Curse: You are forever cursed with famine. Any food you touch rots instantly, and any attempt to gather resources or food fails catastrophically.

Hachiman (Chaotic Good)

  • Areas of Concern: War, martial honor
  • Worshipers’ Alignment: Chaotic Good, any Good warriors
  • Divine Font: Harm
  • Divine Ability: Strength or Dexterity
  • Divine Skill: Warfare Lore
  • Favored Weapon: No-daichi (greatsword)
  • Symbol: Throwing dagger
  • Domains: War, Change, Destruction, Might
  • Alternate Domains: Fire, Freedom
  • Edicts: Uphold martial honor, protect the weak, destroy tyranny
  • Anathema: Use dishonorable tactics, refuse combat when challenged
  • Plane: Prime Material Plane, Gladsheim

Divine Intercession

Minor Boon: You gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls when fighting honorably in single combat.
Moderate Boon: Once per day, when engaging in single combat with a worthy opponent, you may automatically succeed on a critical hit with one attack.
Major Boon: Hachiman himself blesses your weapon, making it a +2 striking weapon when used in honorable duels. Additionally, whenever you challenge an opponent to single combat, they cannot refuse without suffering severe dishonor.

Minor Curse: You suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls when fighting multiple enemies or using dishonorable tactics.
Moderate Curse: Any time you engage in combat without challenging your opponent honorably, your attacks deal half damage.
Major Curse: You are cursed to always fight with dishonor. No matter how you try, your opponents will view you as dishonorable, and you are unable to participate in honorable duels.

Kishijoten (Neutral Good)

  • Areas of Concern: Luck, good fortune, protection of heroes
  • Worshipers’ Alignment: Neutral Good, Chaotic Good
  • Divine Font: Heal
  • Divine Ability: Dexterity or Charisma
  • Divine Skill: Diplomacy
  • Favored Weapon: Unlucky Gem (improvised weapon)
  • Symbol: White diamond
  • Domains: Luck, Protection, Fate, Healing
  • Alternate Domains: Knowledge, Magic
  • Edicts: Help those who take risks for good causes, ensure justice prevails, protect heroes
  • Anathema: Intervene in petty disputes, allow evil to succeed
  • Plane: Prime Material Plane

Divine Intercession

Minor Boon: You gain a +1 status bonus to all Charisma-based checks involving luck or fortune, such as Gambling or Diplomacy.
Moderate Boon: Once per day, you may reroll any failed d20 roll, keeping the better result.
Major Boon: Kishijoten grants you divine favor in all matters of chance. Once per week, you can automatically succeed on any one d20 roll involving luck or fortune.

Minor Curse: You are cursed with bad luck, suffering a -1 penalty to all d20 rolls related to chance.
Moderate Curse: Any time you attempt a task based on luck or fortune, you roll twice and take the worse result.
Major Curse: You are cursed with misfortune. No matter how much you try, every action you take that involves luck will fail in the worst possible way.

Oh-Kuni-Nushi (Chaotic Good)

  • Areas of Concern: Heroes, land, natural creatures
  • Worshipers’ Alignment: Chaotic Good, Good heroes
  • Divine Font: Heal
  • Divine Ability: Strength or Constitution
  • Divine Skill: Nature
  • Favored Weapon: Nodachi (greatsword)
  • Symbol: Red sword
  • Domains: Nature, Family, Might, Healing
  • Alternate Domains: Animals, Earth
  • Edicts: Defend the land, heal and protect natural creatures, seek heroic quests
  • Anathema: Abandon the land or nature to destruction, avoid heroic challenges
  • Plane: Prime Material Plane, Gladsheim

Divine Intercession

Minor Boon: You gain a +1 bonus to Diplomacy checks when interacting with animals or nature spirits.
Moderate Boon: Once per day, you can speak with and command animals as if using the speak with animals spell.
Major Boon: Oh-Kuni-Nushi grants you the ability to commune with the earth and nature itself. You can use commune with nature once per day and animals will never attack you unless provoked.

Minor Curse: Animals instinctively distrust you, and you suffer a -1 penalty to all checks involving animals.
Moderate Curse: Any time you attempt to interact with animals or nature, they become hostile or flee from your presence.
Major Curse: Nature itself turns against you. Plants wither at your touch, animals attack on sight, and any attempt to live off the land results in failure.

Raiden (Neutral)

  • Areas of Concern: Thunder, lightning, storms, fletchers
  • Worshipers’ Alignment: Any
  • Divine Font: Harm
  • Divine Ability: Strength or Constitution
  • Divine Skill: Crafting
  • Favored Weapon: Mace
  • Symbol: Block spiked mace with a crossed lightning bolt
  • Domains: Air, Lightning, Destruction, Weather
  • Alternate Domains: Storms, Craft
  • Edicts: Master the forces of nature, create arrows of exceptional quality, respect storms
  • Anathema: Cause unnecessary destruction, disrespect storms or their power
  • Plane: Prime Material Plane, Elemental Plane of Air

Divine Intercession

Minor Boon: You gain a +1 status bonus to Athletics checks while under the effects of a storm or windy conditions.
Moderate Boon: Once per week, you can call upon Raiden to summon a thunderstorm or use call lightning as an innate spell.
Major Boon: Raiden grants you mastery over storms. You can control the weather in your immediate vicinity, summoning storms, lightning, or thunder at will.

Minor Curse: You are constantly buffeted by strong winds, imposing a -1 penalty to all ranged attack rolls.
Moderate Curse: Any time you are exposed to a storm or strong winds, you suffer a -2 penalty to all physical actions due to the disruptive force of the storm.
Major Curse: You are cursed to be followed by violent storms wherever you go. Thunder, lightning, and destructive winds will follow you, disrupting your life and harming those around you.

Susanowo (Chaotic Neutral)

  • Areas of Concern: Storms, seas, chaos
  • Worshipers’ Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil
  • Divine Font: Harm
  • Divine Ability: Dexterity or Constitution
  • Divine Skill: Sailing Lore
  • Favored Weapon: Katana
  • Symbol: Katana
  • Domains: Air, Water, Chaos, Destruction
  • Alternate Domains: Fire, Change
  • Edicts: Embrace the chaos of storms, bring change and upheaval, master the seas
  • Anathema: Avoid battle, attempt to bring peace to storms
  • Plane: Prime Material Plane, Limbo

Divine Intercession

Minor Boon: You gain a +1 status bonus to Intimidation checks while you are in stormy or chaotic environments.
Moderate Boon: Once per day, you can summon a lightning bolt as if casting lightning bolt with a spell attack bonus equal to your level.
Major Boon: Susanowo blesses you with the power to control storms and seas. You can summon storms at will and control weather, wind, and water as if using control weather once per day.

Minor Curse: You suffer a -1 penalty to all Perception and Survival checks while in calm weather or peaceful environments.
Moderate Curse: Calm and peaceful environments make you uncomfortable, imposing a -2 penalty to all skill checks.
Major Curse: You are cursed to constantly cause chaos. Wherever you go, storms, disorder, and strife follow, making it impossible for you to live in peace.

Note: Susanowo is known as Hei Feng in other regions of the East, worshiped as a god of storms and chaos.

Tsukiyomi (Neutral)

  • Areas of Concern: Moon, night, shapechanging
  • Worshipers’ Alignment: Neutral (any)
  • Divine Font: Heal or Harm
  • Divine Ability: Wisdom or Charisma
  • Divine Skill: Arcana
  • Favored Weapon: Naginata
  • Symbol: White disk
  • Domains: Moon, Night, Change, Knowledge
  • Alternate Domains: Darkness, Protection
  • Edicts: Study the mysteries of the moon, adapt to changing circumstances, embrace the night
  • Anathema: Destroy knowledge, avoid change, fear the dark
  • Plane: Prime Material Plane

Divine Intercession

Minor Boon: You gain low-light vision (or darkvision if you already have low-light vision). In addition, once per night, you can perceive through darkness as if it were dim light, even in magical darkness.
Moderate Boon: Once per night, you can become invisible for 10 minutes, as if using invisibility. If you attack or cast a spell, this effect does not end.
Major Boon: Tsukiyomi grants you the power of the moon. Once per week, you can use greater invisibility for 10 minutes or plane shift to travel to the realm of the moon. While under the moon’s light, you gain fast healing 10, and your attacks deal an additional 1d6 cold damage.

Minor Curse: You become sensitive to bright light, suffering a -1 status penalty on all checks while exposed to direct sunlight.
Moderate Curse: You are affected by the moon’s phases. During the day, you are permanently fatigued. At night, you are unable to sleep if the moon is visible, causing you to become exhausted if you fail to rest.
Major Curse: You are cursed to be forever shrouded in darkness. Your vision is limited to 10 feet in all light conditions, and any light sources you use are reduced to dim light within a 5-foot radius. In addition, sunlight causes you to become sickened and dazzled.

Note: Tsukiyomi is also known as Tsukiyo in Tian Xia, where he is revered as a god of the moon and spirit.


Posted in Pathfinder 2e, Season of Ghosts

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