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Waukeen (pf2e)

Converted for my players.


Liberty’s Maiden, The Coinmaiden, Merchantsfriend, Merchants’ Friend, Merchant’s Friend, The Golden Lady, Our Lady of Gold, Lady of Trade, Mistress of Coin

  • Deity Alignment: Neutral
  • Divine Font: heal or harm
  • Divine Ability: Intelligence or Charisma
  • Divine Skill: Society
  • Favored Weapon: Rapier
  • Domains: Cities, Wealth, Trade, Travel
  • Cleric Spells: 1st level – illusory object, 3rd level – wandering star motes, 6th level – magnificent mansion
  • Edicts: Support trade and commerce, aid merchants, seek out opportunities to increase wealth, protect the flow of goods and currency.
  • Anathema: Disrupt lawful trade, steal from merchants or traders, hoard wealth without using it for good or investment, encourage poverty.
  • Follower Alignments: LG, LN, N, CN

Holy Symbol

An upright coin with Waukeen’s profile facing left.

Waukeen’s Divine Intercession

Deities in Pathfinder 2e offer divine intervention in the form of boons and curses to their most faithful or to those who displease them. Divine intercession occurs at the GM’s discretion, typically in response to a particularly momentous or devout action—or a significant transgression against the deity’s edicts.

  • Boons: These blessings are granted to followers who have shown extraordinary dedication to their deity’s principles.
  • Curses: These afflictions are placed on those who commit severe violations of a deity’s edicts or offend them directly.
  • Minor Boon: Once per day, when you are engaged in a financial transaction or bargaining, you may gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks related to negotiation or haggling.
  • Moderate Boon: Whenever you make a successful trade or sell goods, you may retain a piece of gold that will always return to you after it’s spent.
  • Major Boon: You are always treated as one step wealthier for the purpose of buying and selling items, and you automatically succeed at checks to convert currencies or precious items.
  • Minor Curse: Your wealth slowly slips away. Every day, you lose a small amount of coin or goods without realizing it.
  • Moderate Curse: Any money you gain from a deal is cursed to turn into worthless materials (such as rocks or sand) after 1d4 days.
  • Major Curse: No matter how hard you work, all your efforts to gain wealth fail. Your earnings will dwindle to nothing, and all your wealth will decay.

Domain Spells Explanation

  • Cities:
    • 1st: illusory object – Create visual illusions to protect trade routes or marketplaces.
    • 3rd: wandering star motes – Illuminate paths and cities to maintain safety and foster trade.
    • 6th: magnificent mansion – Create a grand space for deals, trade meetings, and accommodations for travelers.
  • Wealth: These spells relate to generating and maintaining material wealth, either through direct creation, manipulation of trade, or the protection of prosperity.
  • Trade: Spells in this domain focus on securing, negotiating, and safeguarding commerce, with divinations to foresee market trends and protections to preserve assets.
  • Travel: Enables merchants and traders to move between cities and nations, ensuring the flow of goods remains uninterrupted.

Description of Waukeen

Waukeen, also known as Liberty’s Maiden, The Coinmaiden, and The Golden Lady, is the neutral goddess of wealth, trade, and commerce. She embodies the bustling energy of markets, the constant exchange of goods, and the entrepreneurial spirit of traders. Waukeen champions the belief that wealth is a tool for growth and opportunity, and that it should be circulated for the betterment of society. Her followers, often merchants, bankers, and adventurers seeking fortune, strive to facilitate the flow of goods, currency, and services across nations.

Depicted as a radiant woman adorned in golden garments and jewelry, Waukeen exudes an aura of prosperity and opportunity. Her temples are bustling hubs of activity, featuring marketplaces, loan services, and trading halls. Worshippers come to her seeking fortune, financial wisdom, and safe travels for long trade routes. Her influence is keenly felt in every transaction and barter, as she watches over the ebb and flow of the world’s economies.

Waukeen encourages her followers to be bold in their ventures, fair in their dealings, and generous with their success. While she promotes accumulation of wealth, she teaches that hoarding riches is a wasted opportunity. Instead, wealth should be invested and shared to uplift others, ensuring a thriving and dynamic economy for all.

Posted in Pathfinder 2e

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